Vision of dti
“A dynamic industrial, globally competitive South African economy, characterised by inclusive growth and development, decent employment and equity, built on the full potential of all citizens”

Mission of the dti
Promote structural transformation, towards a dynamic industrial and globally competitive economy;
Provide a predictable, competitive, equitable and socially responsible environment, conducive to investment, trade and enterprise development;
Broaden participation in the economy to strengthen economic development; and
Continually improve the skills and capabilities of the dti to effectively deliver on its mandate and respond to the needs of South Africa’s economic citizens.
InvestSA Objectives
Facilitates the increase in the quality and quantity of foreign and domestic direct investment by providing an investment recruitment, problem-solving and information service to retain and expand investment in South Africa and into Africa.
Actively market, promote and facilitate investment in key high-yielding growth sectors of the South African economy.